Dallas Mavericks Win the NBA Championship

Jun 12, 2011 -

For the first time in NBA and Mavericks franchise history, the Dallas Mavericks win the NBA championship. Finally, a team other than the Los Angeles Lakers or San Antonio Spurs comes out on top. Yes, you could argue that the Celtics won it in '08, Heat in '06, and Pistons prior to that in '04. But, sometimes you can't deny the fact that it doesn't feel that way.

Throughout the NBA finals, everywhere I looked except in Miami, everyone appeared to be rooting for the Dallas Mavericks to pull through. Or I should say we were hoping for the Miami Heat to lose. Perhaps, it has something to do with their "welcome party" they had before the season even began. Was that the most modest display in all of professional sports or what? Maybe after all of that, the Heat deserved to lose. Still, the look on Chris Bosh, Lebron James, and even Dwayne Wade's faces did win some of my sympathy.

Put yourself in the player's shoes. How would you deal with the pressures of the media, fans, and coaches? You might compare dealing with coaches with dealing with bosses and fans to friends and family. But, what about the media? During the press conference interview after the game, Mark Cuban, the owner of the Mavs, said it best. He said that he could care less about what everyone else thought. The bottom line is to trust and believe in yourself. What does that mean? I take it to mean that when you are working towards a goal and hit a road block, do what you think is best for yourself and not what everyone else thinks is best for you. Mark Cuban said, "there is no magic formula to creating a championship team". Similarly in life, there is no set path; it is different for everybody. Have confidence in yourself that you'll make the right decisions.
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